Next Leadership 
Team Meeting

Sunday, Apr. 14

starting at 1 p.m.

Board Member Search

Hello Hemlock Friends,

Over the past fifteen years Save Georgia’s Hemlocks has had a remarkably stable Board of Directors, but we do have an opening from time to time so we're always on the lookout for individuals who may be interested in serving on our Board.  The information that follows is provided to convey an understanding of the functions of a nonprofit board in general and the specific role the SGH Board and its members play in carrying out our mission to save the hemlocks. 

We are a working Board characterized by a proactive concern for environment, a culture of inquiry and independent thinking, appreciation of diversity, respect and transparency in our interactions, creativity and results-oriented hands-on action, conservative financial practices, and high ethical standards.  Here are some of the key attributes SGH believes contribute to individual growth, organizational effectiveness, and positive engagement with the community:

   A heart for the hemlocks and either experience in helping them or a willingness to learn,

   A commitment to the spirit of charitable service and best practices for nonprofit organizations,

   A business or other professional background with a no-nonsense approach to getting things done,

   Connections with various communities and/or groups that have goals similar to ours, and

   Special skills or talents a potential Board member would be willing to use to enhance SGH’s outreach and effectiveness.

Click here for a list of our current Leadership Team members and a Board Member Application.

If YOU would be interested in working with a fine group of people and helping with an important cause, or if there is someone you’d like to nominate, please let us know.  And THANKS!
Hemlock Help Line 706-429-8010 or

Functions of a Nonprofit Board

·   Craft the organization's mission, vision, and values.

·   Set the organization’s policies.

·   Provide key skills and expertise need by the organization.

·   Select, support, and guide the chief executive.

·   Ensure effective organizational planning and monitor progress toward achievement of the organization’s goals and objectives.

·   Ensure adequate resources to sustain the organization and support achievement of its mission.

·   Comprehend and ensure compliance with organizational policies and external regulations.

·   Review financial statements, approve the budget, and ensure that the organization’s financial assets are safeguarded and used appropriately.

·   Represent and advocate for the organization and its constituents in the community.

·   Assess its own performance periodically, including that of the chief executive.

Fiduciary Role of a Nonprofit Board

·   Take reasonable care when making decisions for the organization (called “duty of care”).

·   Act in the best interest of the organization (called “duty of loyalty”).

·   Act in accordance with the organization’s mission (called “duty of obedience”).

·   Speak openly and truthfully in matters concerning the organization (called “duty of candor”).

·   Stand aside when there is a conflict of interest (called “duty of recusal”).

Commitments of SGH Board Members

·   Believe passionately in the mission, vision, and work of the organization as described in the Articles of Incorporation.

·   Have sufficient time to devote to doing the Board’s work.  (See Time Requirements below.)

·   Fulfill general and specific responsibilities of Board Member job description as described in the Bylaws.

·   Work actively and interactively to accomplish the organization’s objectives as described in the Annual Strategic Plan.

·   Assist in growing the organization’s membership and capabilities.

Responsibilities of SGH Board Members

The general responsibilities of Board Members focus on setting the policies and priorities of the organization, providing leadership and coordination for our activities, ensuring financial responsibility and soundness, and working to build community support for the hemlock cause.  Here is the formal text from our Bylaws.

·   “Participating in quarterly Leadership Team meetings, including the annual meeting;

·   Making decisions that determine the policies and guide the activities of the organization;

·   Ensuring that activities of the organization are consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws;

·   Selecting appropriate issues and prioritizing objectives for the organization;

·   Listening to comments of participants on issues and considering their input in decision-making;

·   Sharing the decision-making for determining fiscal policy and appropriate use of funds;

·   Considering and approving budgets and proposed expenditures;

·   Providing leadership and coordination of activities as agreed with other Board Members;

·   Chairing committees as requested by the Chairman and/or as approved by the Board;

·   Approving statements to be released to the public and news media as requested by the Chairman; and

·   Electing new Board Members during the year if more members are added or if a replacement is needed.”

The specific responsibilities of each Board Member are based primarily on individual factors including, but not limited to, personal interests and initiative, skills and experience, community connections, available time, and desire for personal and organizational growth.

Time Requirements

The minimum time requirement for Board service is modest: one Leadership Team meeting per quarter supplemented by e-mails, phone communications, and an occasional interim meeting.  However, Board members are expected to become actively engaged in carrying out the educational and/or charitable service strategies that support our mission, which requires the commitment of some additional time on an as needed basis.  This is typically more in the spring and summer or when there is a special event and less in the fall and winter when outdoor hemlock activity is reduced.

Board candidates are welcome to contact members of our current Leadership Team or to call the Hemlock Help Line 706-429-8010 to discuss questions about this opportunity or any aspect our organization.  Please click here for a Board Member application that can be mailed to Save Georgia's Hemlocks at 37 Woody Bend, Dahlonega, GA  30533.


© Save Georgia's Hemlocks 2009-2024. 
Send comments or questions by e-mail  or call the Hemlock Help LineSM  706-429-8010.