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Next Leadership 
Team Meeting

Sunday, Apr. 14

starting at 1 p.m.

Memberships and Donations

As a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization focused on serving all the north Georgia counties where the woolly adelgid is a serious threat, Save Georgia's Hemlocks needs and deeply appreciates the participation and financial support of individuals and groups who embrace our vision.

We don't engage in any extraordinary fundraising activities but strive to operate in the most efficient, cost-effective manner and manage our resources very carefully in line with our stated mission.  Your membership not only provides a vital revenue source for SGH, but also keeps us close to the community we serve, supplies information about its needs, guides us on how best to meet those needs, enables us to carry out the work, and helps us continually fine-tune our Hemlock Help Program.

In return, we pledge to value your input, respect your time, offer you opportunities to use your talents in meaningful ways, and be an organization you can be proud of as we work together to serve others and save our hemlocks.

Click here to learn more about How We Use Your Donations.

Did You Know?

$20 = 1 Hemlock Help Clinic, a Hemlock Lesson for 60 school children, or potting materials for 75 hemlock seedlings.

$100 = training for 4 new Facilitators, 1,350 post cards for raising awareness, or treating 48 average size hemlocks.

$500 = training for 20 new Facilitators, repair of 4 soil injectors (avg cost), or chemicals to treat 4 acres of forest.


Here are some examples of the educational and charitable services in our budget for this year:

   Hemlock Help Clinics and Facilitator Workshops

   Educational and awareness materials

   Neighborhood hemlock project planning

   Hemlock treatment projects

   Sapling rescue / potting projects and hemlock nurseries

   Hemlock restoration on trout streams and other planting projects

   Special outreach programs for community groups, property owner associations, school groups, and others

   Charitable assistance to citizens needing help to treat their trees, on a case-by-case basis


Membership Donations 

If you would like to make a secure on-line membership contribution via PayPal and join Save Georgia's Hemlocks, please click the Donate button below and enter a membership donation level that's right for you. 


Or you can print a Membership Form and mail it with your donation check to:
          Save Georgia's Hemlocks
          P. O. Box 4
          Ellijay, GA  30540

Either way, you'll receive a thank-you letter that can be used for tax purposes, and we'll treat or plant a hemlock for each donation received.


$5,000 or more


Special Gifts and Other Donations 

   Honorary gift:  Using our printed membership donation form, you can mark it to honor a loved one or friend or to celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, employee recognition, new birth, or graduation.  For each gift received we will plant a healthy hemlock sapling in one of Georgia's forests.  Planting these beautiful long-lived trees is a meaningful way to carry forward the names of special people and events in a way that grows grander with the years and benefits all of us in this and future generations.

   Scholarship gift:  Another way you can invest in the future and ensure the continuity of SGH's mission is to mark your membership donation form as a contribution to the Frank Gheesling Save Georgia's Hemlocks Scholarship Fund.  Annual scholarships have been established at the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and North Georgia Technical College to be awarded to worthy students who are pursuing areas of study and careers focused on benefiting the hemlocks.

   Saplings gift:  SGH has a number of ways we incorporate hemlock saplings into our educational and service programs -- offering them for adoption, donating them to schools and nonprofits, restoration on trout stream, and planting in parks and other public spaces, to name a few.  So if you have small (up to 3 feet tall) saplings you'd be willing to donate, please call the Hemlock Help Line to let us know, and we'll come rescue, pot, treat, and care for them in one of our nurseries to get them ready for charitable use.  PLUS you'll receive a tax receipt / thank-you letter recognizing the value of your donation.


Donor Privacy Policy

Save Georgia’s Hemlocks, Inc. deeply values the contributions our donors make to sustain our mission.  We recognize that philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good.  It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life.  To assure our donors that their personal information is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the full extent provided by law and to guide our directors, officers, and members on how they may and may not use this information, we have adopted a formal Donor Privacy Policy which is incorporated in our Bylaws as Attachment B.   A summary of the impact of the Policy is as follows.

   Donor information will be protected with great care and will not be shared, internally or externally, in any illegal or inappropriate way.

   Only those items of donor information specifically listed in the Donor Privacy Policy will be collected and used only for the purposes and in the manner stated in the Policy.

   A donor may give SGH permission to publish their name and/or donation amount if they wish to be publicly recognized for their gift.  Otherwise all donations are kept strictly confidential.

Donor Bill of Rights

Save Georgia’s Hemlocks, Inc. endorses the principles expressed in the Donor Bill of Rights published by GuideStar, Inc. and has incorporated them in our Donor Privacy Policy.  Click to read the full text.


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© Save Georgia's Hemlocks 2009-2024.